Autumn, a small insect goodbye to a good friend of my mother go out looking for it to play go.
它哼着小曲儿,兴高采烈地在田埂上爬着。不一会儿,一片树叶落下来,盖在了小虫子的身上,虫子顿时感到天昏地暗,以为魔鬼来了,想吃了它,吓得直冒冷汗。 忽然,一阵风吹过,叶子又飞走了,它松了口气拍了拍心口,说:“真是虚惊一场啊!”说吧,它继续前行,经过蘑菇伞下,突然几滴冰凉的水珠从上面滚下来,滴 在了小虫的头上。
It humming a little song, happily crawling on the ridge. Soon, a leaf fall, cover the body in the small insects, worms suddenly felt incredibly hard, that the devil came, wanted to eat it, scared cold sweat. Suddenly, a gust of wind blowing, leaves and fly away, it relieved patted her chest, said: "It's a false alarm ah!" Well, it is on its way, after the next mushroom umbrella, suddenly a few drops of cold water beads rolling down from the top, drop in the insect's head.
小虫以为这次是真的有魔鬼想吃了它,连口水都流出来了,惊得它瑟瑟发抖。这时,一旁的“花瓣儿”看见了,奇怪地问小虫:“什么事把你吓成这样?”小虫气喘 吁吁地说:“有……有魔鬼……想……想吃我,连口水都流出来了。”“花瓣儿”说:“哪有什么魔鬼呀?世界上根本就没有什么魔鬼。”小虫说:“就在那个蘑菇 上面。”“花瓣儿”笑着说:“没有啊,上面只有几滴晶莹透亮的露珠滚动着呢!你的胆子太小了,要成胆小鬼了,呵呵!”小虫听了“花瓣儿”的话,脸都羞红 了。这回它鼓起勇气,大胆地往前爬去。不一会儿,一阵风沙刮来,小虫灵敏地眨了眨眼睛,躲过了沙子。
Insects that this is really the devil want to eat it, even saliva flow out, stunned it shivering. At this time, the side of the "petals children" saw strange insects asked: "What happened to you so scared?" Bug gasped: "There is the devil ...... want to eat me, . even saliva to flow out. "" petals children ", said:" How can the world what the devil it is simply not what the devil?. "bug, said:." just above the mushroom, "" petals children, "said with a smile: "No, ah, with only a few drops of dew shining brilliantly rolling again! your courage is too small to be a coward, and Oh!" bug listening "petals children," then, face flushed. This time it is the courage to boldly crawled forward. Soon, while blowing sand, insects sensitive blinked, escaped the sand.
In this way, it soon came to a beautiful flowers, find friends to play together happily together.
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