关于travelling的话题向来是雅思口语考试的重头戏,面对着层出不穷的口语新题,travelling的话题始终保持着经久不衰的地位,在雅思考试中占据着举足轻重的地位。常见的考题有如下一些:1. Do you often travel (go travelling)? 2. Do you like travelling? 3. Why do you travel? (purposes) 4. What are some places that you have traveled to? 5. What was the last place you traveled to? 6. What was the most interesting place you have traveled to? 7. How often do you return to your hometown? (If not living at home now) 8. Which city (or place) that you have been to did you like the most? (Why?) 9. What places in China are (or, would be) attractive for foreigners to travel to?
首先总结出travelling话题高频回答词汇:针对where do you like to go for a travel?梦中旅游地点这类问题回答的时候,答题总结出来一共有三种地方一个是自然风景区,一个是历史古迹,一个是繁华的大都市,这三类地方。自然风景区:natural landscape, natural spot, natural scenery, tourist attraction, vocational spot…;历史古迹:historical relics, historical site, historical interest…;大都市:metropolis, modern city…
下面就来描述一下这三种地方的详细说法:picturesque views风景如画,landscape of lakes and hills湖光山色,enclosed/surrounded by lakes on one side and waters on the other依山傍水,traditional/ancient architecture历史建筑物,historical architectural complex 历史建筑群,historical and cultural heritage 历史文化遗产, rows of towering skyscraper成排高的摩天大楼,high-rise building高耸大楼,leisure facility休闲设施
举个例子来说,当问及where do you want to go?以自然风景区,历史遗迹以及大都市三个地点作为我们回答的模板, I like the natural landscape with picturesque views. I am fascinated with the historical relics, where offers historical and cultural heritage and historical architectural complex. I am crazy about metropolis, where is famous for high-rise buildings and leisure facility and a variety of entertainment.
下面我们就来仔细介绍一下,ways of travelling 的表达,现在很多题目会问题关于旅游话题更精细的内容,正如我们刚刚提到的旅游方式的介绍,大体来说旅游方式分为三种,package travel最常规的表达团游,solo travel独自旅游,DIY travel 自助游。这三种旅游方式的说法要学会掌握。