自我设置语言环境 学习一种语言,需要在自己大脑里建立这种语言的意识,用这种语言思考和表达,而不是用中文思考,再转换成外文。自我设置一种语言环境,就是自我充当由自己设定的语言环境中的某一角色,有声地完成其语言任务。. 比如,假定要召开一个英语演讲会,自己是演讲...[阅读全文]
一、“喃喃自语培训法”:. “喃喃自语法”,即以自个跟自个沟通的办法,促进英语白话才能进步之办法。它不受时刻及其他沟通要素的限制,只需有一个属于你的空间,自个对着自个用英语讲就能够了,此办法是正常讲堂英语白话操练的有利补充。其实自言自语法就是多听多说多练!....[阅读全文]
尽人皆知,对话是进步口语能力最有用的方法,所以应该抓住一切机会和讲英语的人士对话。如果找不到和你进行对话的合适人选,你可以采取以下几种方法:. 第一、仿照。提高口语能力的第一步就是仿照磁带或广播,仿照以英语为母语的人的语音和语调。可以根据自己的喜好,挑选英...[阅读全文]
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。 . A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。 . A bird in the hand is worth than t...[阅读全文]
神秘的古埃及金字塔. The Pyramids. . 古埃及金字塔是奴隶制帝王的陵墓,最宏大的当为吉萨三座大金字塔。塔基呈方形,每边长230米,高146米,用230余万块巨石(每块平均重达2.5吨)垒成,国王墓室用一块400吨重的石板垒成。整体规模雄伟壮观,设计科学,构造复杂,...[阅读全文]
A Smart Housewife
A Smart Housewife.. . A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was&...[阅读全文]
Europe's Muslims 欧洲的穆斯林
Europe's Muslims. 欧洲的穆斯林. . European leaders are watching with apprehension the violence spread across districts of France that are heavily populated by&...[阅读全文]
Ballroom Dancing Strikes Right Note with New Generation. 交谊舞对新一辈的冲击. . . This scene from the 1936 film “Swingtime” shows how ballroom dancing ...[阅读全文]
African-American Pioneers Helped. Shape America’s Midwest. 美国黑人先驱者创建了美国中西部文化. . A group of African-American cowboys on horseback is a rare sight in the...[阅读全文]
New Form of Psychotherapy Found Effective for Grief. 治疗悲伤的新型心理疗法. . A new form of treating grief following the death of a loved one has&nb...[阅读全文]
前美国总统George W. Bush电台演讲
The White House. President George W. Bush. For Immediate Release. Office of the Press Secretary. September 21, 2002. . Radio Address by the President to t...[阅读全文]
巴比伦空中花园 . The approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one anoth...[阅读全文]
A City Divided by War, United in Peace
A City Divided by War, United in Peace. 一个城市因战争分离,因和平而团结. . Gorlitz, Germany is only a stone's throw from its Polish neighbor, Zgorzelec&...[阅读全文]
47th Grammy Awards. 第47届格莱美颁奖典礼. . Kanye West: When I had my accident, I found out at that moment nothing in life is promised except de...[阅读全文]
首先要确定你自己的英语水平。. 其次、确定自己的发音水平。. 最后、开始学习。. . 英语口语课程. 1、口语学习的关键是要模仿人家的说话。这包括语音和语调两部分。中国英语教学重视语调的很少,尽管很多时候...[阅读全文]
沃尔得口语培训班. [诗歌] 青春的骄傲. The Pride of Youth. 青春的骄傲. 华尔德·司各特. Proud Maisie is in the wood,. Walking so early;. Sweet Robin sits on the bush,. Singing so rarely.. “tell me ,thou bonny bird,. when...[阅读全文]
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