Obedience is the first duty of a soldier军人以服从命令为天职。 . Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。 . Offense is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。 ...[阅读全文]
“Coming,”Alan looked at his watch. Five, The crickets would start singing soon. He walked on, the sweat pouring into his eyes. Knowing she ...[阅读全文]
If only we’d never gone there, thought Alan. They were scrambling up the mountainside in the late afternoon heat. Alice was so tanned that&...[阅读全文]
The Love letter 迟到的情书(第八回)
The Love letter. 迟到的情书 第八回 (完结)."I do not remember very much more about that day, except that the sun seemed ...[阅读全文]
The Love letter 迟到的情书(第七回)
The Love letter. 迟到的情书 第六回. . She paused, as though she did not quite know how to begin.. Then she seemed to give&n...[阅读全文]
The Love letter 迟到的情书2
The Love letter. 迟到的情书 第二回. . Tante Sanna would bring in dishes of sweet, sweet, sticky candy, or a great bowl of&n...[阅读全文]
The Love letter 迟到的情书1
The Love letter. 迟到的情书 第一回. . I was always a little in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos. Indeed, as children we ...[阅读全文]
The Flight of Youth 青春的飞逝
There are gains for all our losses. 我们失去的一切都能得到补偿,. . There are balms for all our pain; 我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;. . But when youth,the dream...[阅读全文]
The Rainy Day 雨天
The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall,天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,...[阅读全文]
worry的用法. 一、worry可作及物动词,意为“使烦恼”,“使焦虑”,常接sb.作宾语。如:. 1、What worried you so much? 什么事使你这么着急?. 2、His bad health worried his parents greatly.. 你身体不好使他的父母很发愁。. 二、worry也可作不及物动词,意为“烦恼”、“...[阅读全文]
Which woman?(笑话放送)
Which woman?. . One evening I drove my husband's car to the shopping mall.. . On my return, I noticed that how dusty the outside o...[阅读全文]
. . 结合自己多年参加各种英语水平考试的经验,综合一些高水平老师的教导,我现在总结出一条简单再简单不过的阅读得高分的办法:. 一、快速阅读文章本体,速度大约为200字/分钟。重点是掌握文章大意及每一段大概讲什么。因此,第一段和每一段的首句要仔细阅读。....[阅读全文]
巴比伦空中花园 . The approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one anoth...[阅读全文]
大学英语六级保过班. 课程简介. 大学英语六级保过班是利同教育隆重推出的培训课程,该课程由广外明星老师William领衔,全程专业授课,精准覆盖考点、专注核心技能、讲练结合,各个模块依次破解,助您顺利通过考试。. 课程特点:. 1、紧贴四六级考试大纲,考试应试技巧详解,...[阅读全文]
大学英语四级保过班. 课程简介. 大学英语四级保过班是利同教育隆重推出的培训课程,该课程由广外明星老师William领衔,全程专业授课,精准覆盖考点、专注核心技能、讲练结合,各个模块依次破解,助您顺利通过考试。. 课程特点:. 1、紧贴四六级考试大纲,考试应试技巧详解,...[阅读全文]
中小学夏令营“英·赢·营”. 时间:2014年8月11日-2014年8月20日 ,共10天. 报名地点:广州市天河区五山路265号瑞华大厦南塔9B室. 培训地点:广东省阳春市情人河风景区. 费用:原价4980元/人,优惠价3980元/人(保险,来回路费,酒店吃住,教材全包). 详情咨询QQ:191...[阅读全文]
利同教育英语全景式全封闭集训营. 时间:22天。2014年7月19日至2014年8月9日. 报名地点:广州市天河区五山路265号瑞华大厦南塔9B室. 费用:9800元/人(中外教大班课+中教小组课;包食宿;6-8个人/宿舍). 咨询QQ:1911656018. 英语全景式全封闭集训营简介: . 英...[阅读全文]